Tylenol plus, orange juice, vapo-rub...
So that was two days ago. Since then the Girl has developed a dreadful case of nose sludge and the Boy is sneezing rocket-fueled mucus missiles across the living room. I grow weary of holding tissues to other peoples’ noses while saying “blow”. When will these small people learn to effectively honk their own beaks anyway?
Me: Did you blow your nose?
Girl: Yes.
Me: Why do you have green snot stuck to your upper lip?
Girl: Uh…..
Me: Did you use a tissue?
Boy: Yes.
Me: Why do you have boogers on your sleeve?
Boy: Uh…….
Me: (holding tissue for the child) Blow darn it! Blow until your ears explode! I don’t care if it feels like your eyeballs are falling out….BLOW!
I love spring.