An afternoon in pictures.
September, refreshing is thy name! With a warm ray of sunshine on my face and a fresh breeze on my shoulders, you persuade the sweatshirt on and off, on and off. Mazes of soft gluey worms still blanket the driveway, although the morning rain ended hours ago. Small critters peek their cautious eyes out from under blades of grass only to be snatched up by nimble fingers.

The late blooming sunflowers flaunt their exquisite hues and boast their ability to blossom heartily in such brisk temperatures. They taunt desperate bumblebees with eleventh-hour pollen and mask the rotting smells of harvest with a passing perfume.

To swing! To swing among the pines without a care of homework, brushing teeth, bedtimes or a bus schedule; that is childhood.

My three tender children dip their soft feet in puddles and leave prints, serving as reminders that life doesn’t pause for me to selfishly keep them as they are. They grow and change as do the seasons. Time and time again.

The brilliant colors of autumn draw a distinct border between the land and horizon.
The late blooming sunflowers flaunt their exquisite hues and boast their ability to blossom heartily in such brisk temperatures. They taunt desperate bumblebees with eleventh-hour pollen and mask the rotting smells of harvest with a passing perfume.

To swing! To swing among the pines without a care of homework, brushing teeth, bedtimes or a bus schedule; that is childhood.

My three tender children dip their soft feet in puddles and leave prints, serving as reminders that life doesn’t pause for me to selfishly keep them as they are. They grow and change as do the seasons. Time and time again.

I MISS autumn. Like a dearly departed loved one. Oh more photos PLEASE.
I get so down this time of year. When fall ought to be coming..and isn't.
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